Guiding principles of GRÜN GQM

GRÜN GQM utilises highly qualified employees. Its projects focus on specialised concepts and procedures. The starting point is always the technical and organisational orientation of the existing production processes and not a structure demanded from ‘outside’.

Our top services for your company

We are a medium-sized, owner-managed consulting company that was founded as a spin-off of the Technical University of Munich-Weihenstephan and has enjoyed healthy growth ever since. Research and development are increasingly being driven forward. All of our employees are specialists with academic qualifications and many years of practical experience. This enables us to combine our expertise with the resources of our customers to create first-class solutions.

Our employees are genuine service providers

In addition to their extensive industry background and experience, our consultants also bring an absolute service orientation, appropriate assertiveness and success-orientation to the projects. We understand service as ‘serving’ to develop solutions for our customers, whereby practical experience in dealing with people also plays an important role.

Our products are state-of-the-art, we create standards

In addition to tried-and-tested components, projects often also include new, intelligent developments due to constantly increasing requirements, which give our customers important competitive advantages. To achieve this, we utilise cutting-edge technology, excellent expertise and creativity. New standard solutions are created through extensive practical applications.

We are a reliable long-term partner

Not only projects require a high degree of attention, but also the permanent further development of profitability for our consulting customers requires a constant maintenance of GRÜN GQM’s internal service readiness. This is why service and support are a top priority. Even outside of projects, we are always a solution partner with an open ear for our customers.

Our references form the top group

Due to the strong market position of our customers, who constantly demand innovative solutions, there is naturally a permanent, development-promoting interaction with our company. Against this background, a qualified user group has formed, which includes the top companies in the industry. Loyalty is therefore also extremely important to us.

Contact request
Send us a message if you would like to know more about our solutions for the food and beverage industry. We look forward to hearing from you.
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